Beacon OHSS: A New Approach to Customer Service

Kirill Tšernov

By Kirill Tšernov · 5 min read

beacon ohss visitor management

Despite the rising number of visitors, Beacon Occupational Health & Safety Services (OHSS) still aims to provide the same level of rockstar customer service that’s been the cornerstone of their operation.

To make sure that their customers encounter no service roadblocks, Beacon OHSS trusts Qminder to manage the visitors in a way that is smooth, fast, and personal.

Meet the Beacon OHSS Team

Who: Beacon OHSS

Locations: 5

Employees: 200+

Daily visitors: 120+

Average wait time: <5 mins

The Beacon Team likes to keep everything organized

As the name suggests, Beacon Occupational Health & Safety Services, Inc. is a company that takes the matter of occupational health seriously. Founded in 1999, Beacon OHSS offers health-checking services as well as various tests aimed at measuring employees’ fitness for duty, including drug and alcohol testing.

The core value of Beacon is so succinct, it can fit into a single tweet: If you spend 30% of your weekday at work, shouldn’t you feel safe and happy? This philosophy applies to both Beacon’s clients as well as their own employees.

The Days Before Qminder

What issues Beacon OHSS had to face

A bulk of Beacon’s time used to be wasted on paperwork

Beacon’s vision is that of all employees being able to “go home in the same condition (or better) as when they clocked in”. That’s why when reviewing their customer service, they pay attention to every, even the least significant detail.

A poor craftsman blames his tools, but poor tools can only get you so far. Beacon had a great idea of where they wanted their customer service to go, but they lacked the proper tools to make the most out of their vision.

Prior to Qminder, Beacon was using sign-in sheets for registration. The cons were numerous:

  • It's cumbersome

  • Slow

  • Inefficient

Not to mention, for a company that looks into the future, paper-based queue management was too last-century.

As they decided to further digitize their operation, they knew they wanted something better and started looking into more sophistication queue management solutions.

Having reviewed several options, the administration ultimately decided to go with Qminder, as it offered more in terms of record-keeping, analytics, and backend. What’s more, the new tool looked more aesthetically pleasing and left visitors with positive vibes.

A Shining Beacon

Beacon’s improved visitor experience

Even busy days at Beacon don’t look so busy anymore

As clients are always in the center of Beacon’s attention, customer experience is something they use their best efforts to keep modernizing. From the way patients fill out forms to the way clients manage their accounts, Beacon strives to make their service as innovative and visitor-friendly as possible.

As such, it is no surprise that they turned their attention to modernizing, above all else, their customer sign-in and queue management approach. After all, queues are among the first things a visitor sees and interacts with — it is the face of Beacon.

One of the more frequent issues with the queuing setup the Beacon has had before was that when companies would call in to check whether their employees have visited Beacon, the customer service technicians had to check sign-in sheets before calling back with an answer. This spelt a lot of wasted time and effort on the technicians’ part, which is why the sign-in form was the first one on the chopping block.

Having implemented the Qminder system, Beacon technicians now have all the visitor information at their fingertips. A simple search function saves service staff a lot of headache when looking for a particular visitor and their history of visit.

This, in turn, allows to serve their visitors better and faster while taking into account their specific needs and preferences.

Qminder has brought transparency and efficiency to our check-in process for both our service delivery team, as well as the client employee.
*Amanda Johnson

Vice President at Beacon OHSS*

The Numbers Game

Backing your CX strategy with data

Customer service is a marriage of technology and attitude

The people at Beacon pride themselves on what they call their “rockstar customer service”. Although the main ingredient is the go-getter attitude that the Beacon Team has, great customer service cannot be accomplished without backing your actions up with numbers.

Qminder’s Service Intelligence proved to be a great find for Beacon OHSS, as it provides crucial numbers that help feed their customer service strategy. There can be no improving of visitor queuing without knowing wait times, service times, busy hours, or daily activity.

The information that Qminder gathers throughout the day is processed and stored for later use, in the form of weekly reports. These reports are delivered straight to Beacon technicians’ emails, and help track average customer service metrics.

The reports are then put together by an IT analyst, to create a bigger picture of where the Beacon’s customer service strategy is headed and whether their visitor experience efforts have paid off. Which, so far, they certainly have.

Qminder has increased visibility from a management level to ensure we are meeting key internal metrics for wait times by providing the data we need to manage staffing levels at our various locations based on patient volumes.
*Amanda Johnson

Vice President at Beacon OHSS*

Beacon OHSS is the leading example of how to treat your visitors the way they deserve. Great customer service is always the perfect marriage between the right attitude and powerful technology.

Take a cue from Beacon and give Qminder a try.

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Get to know the author

Kirill Tšernov

Kirill Tšernov Putting U in Queue at Qminder

Kirill Tšernov was the Content Manager at Qminder. He specializes in queue management and customer service innovation. Passionate about enhancing customer experiences, Kirill combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling to explore the future of queue management.

Read more articles by Kirill

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