Montgomery Water Works Visitor Management

Kirill Tšernov

By Kirill Tšernov · 4 min read

montgomery water works customer service

Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board, which provides quality water and sewer services to resident of Montgomery, Alabama, is a company set on a mission.

Montgomery Water Works wants to make people environmentally conscious through raising awareness about water conservation and organizing community outreach programs as well as water festivals. All this contributes to producing and supplying the residents with clean and healthy water.

However, eco-friendliness is not the only thing on MWW’s mind, as much of the attention on keeping the clients satisfied, too. The increasing focus on customer experience is what made Montgomery Water Works reconsider their previous approach and partner up with Qminder.

Time for Some Changes

Before their partnership with Qminder, a security officer at Montgomery Water Works was undertaking queue management using the simplest tools available —- a pen and paper.

The drawbacks of this method were immediately apparent: it required a lot of effort and resources to manually keep track of individual queues. Not to mention, a pen-and-paper does not provide valuable information like the average visitor waiting time, most demanded services or the rush hours at the office.

That is to say, most of the effort ended up being wasted with little to nothing to show in return.

It is precisely Qminder’s data analytics that became the main attraction in the eyes of Montgomery Water Works. The ability to track performance data promised greater measurement of customer service efforts, allowing to make better business decisions.

The company has been exploring the wide array of Qminder’s features with its 14-day free trial, and ultimately decided to continue with it.

There Is Always a Place for Innovation

Despite not exactly fitting the “classical” profile of a retail company, Montgomery Water Works decided that being on the forefront of technology never hurts, no matter the industry.

MWW correctly assumed that innovative technology not only helps improve customer service but also raises the company’s image in their clients’ eyes. Failing to keep up with the times is the most effective way of telling your customers that you aren’t taking your business or them seriously enough.

As Montgomery Water Works moved to a new facility, they started using the new system to great results and even greater feedback.

Ease of Use

According to Joshua Luster, the Assistant Information Technology Director at Montgomery Water Works, one of the main advantages of Qminder was “the simplicity of the setup process”.

Many state-of-the-art tools require state-of-the-art assembly team just to install and configure it. With Qminder, the entire process takes only minutes, with the system ready to work shortly after setting everything up.

This same ease of use translates well to customers, too. As they enter MWW facility, they sign in at the entrance using an iPad. The process of self-registration saves time for both customers and the staff, as the information that clients fill in can be used at the service desk to better satisfy their needs.

Not to mention, this helps facilitate a more personal atmosphere — a small but not insignificant customer service bonus.

For better customer guidance, MWW installed TV running a Qminder app. The TV shows the list of customers waiting in line, thus helping avoid the confusion and anxiety that are typical of overcrowded queues.

The Results Are In

It did not take long for the Montgomery Water Works staff to start noticing positive changes. Joshua Luster believes that “Qminder provides an elegant queuing solution and offers such customer statistics that were not available before”.

Perhaps most importantly, the customer’s perception of waiting has improved a lot after Qminder has been implemented. Because of people signing themselves in on their own and getting all the required wait time information, the levels of stress have lowered significantly.

At Montgomery Water Works, people appreciate simplicity and reliability, and this is true for both customers as well as staff. This is why Qminder proved to be such a helpful tool.

However, as any labor worker would tell you, a tool is only as good as its user. It’s not only the new technology that helps set Montgomery Water Works apart from their competition, it’s their understanding that customer service must come before everything else.

Despite working in a field that some people would find incompatible with retail’s concept of customer service and customer satisfaction, Montgomery Water Works understands the trend well.

Automation, data integration, simplicity and innovativeness is what any company should strive to provide, no matter what their core product or services are. After all, customers do not care what your field is — only that you’re the best at it.

Want the same customer service results? Take a cue from Montgomery Water Works and give Qminder a try.

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Get to know the author

Kirill Tšernov

Kirill Tšernov Putting U in Queue at Qminder

Kirill Tšernov was the Content Manager at Qminder. He specializes in queue management and customer service innovation. Passionate about enhancing customer experiences, Kirill combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling to explore the future of queue management.

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