ToastMe Visitor Management

Kirill Tšernov

By Kirill Tšernov · 2 min read

toastme customer service

ToastMe is a startup company behind Toast Money Transfer, which is an app that provides peer-to-peer money transaction services. ToastMe’s app is mainly aimed at migrant workers who engage in manual low- to middle-wage labor and regularly send their paychecks home.

At the heart of ToastMe’s app is convenience of quick money transfer, as they promise no more queuing or waiting days for money to be sent and received. This is where the views of ToastMe and Qminder aligned and where their partnership began.

A Unique Case of ToastMe

ToastMe’s app users take advantage of its mobility and mainly use it on the go, without the need to queue up at a traditional money transfer agency. Likewise, ToastMe operates chiefly in the digital world, although they do have an office in Singapore called Toast Shop.

There, ToastMe employs Qminder for dealing with visitors who require walk-in assistance and want to deposit money in person.

The Sign-in Layout at ToastMe

As far as use of Qminder goes, ToastMe’s case is fairly unique. The biggest difference is that ToastShop doesn’t use the typical Qminder iPad self sign-in. Clerks at ToastMe use Qminder on their smartphones and tables, though the TV display is still in use as well.

Smart Queue Management

Next thing is that ToastMe uses Qminder mainly for its queue management capabilities and not for its Service Intelligence feature. Qminder statistics take secondary role to queue management, as ToastMe visitors are mostly tracked through additional systems via individually assigned ToastMe accounts.

The focus on queue management also means that Qminder is used only in times of high visitor flow. This happens to be every Sunday, with approximately 100 visitors coming in every hour.

The Verdict is In

It is convenience that ToastMe seeks to provide, and likewise, it is convenience that they seek in their queuing systems. As Suresh Kumar, head of customer service and transactions at ToastMe, said of Qminder:

“A lot of times, it’s simply easier to just grab your phone to call the next customer.”

Despite occupying this small niche, ToastMe has already taken off in Hong Kong and the Philippines, with plans to expand to Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Pakistan. For what is only the first iteration of their app, they are already shaking things up.

They describe themselves as a “passionate team of problem solvers”, and their love for improving quality of life for their customers shines in both their product and application of the same principles in their office.

Are you as customer-centric as ToastMe? Then join the proud ranks of Qminder users.

Improve Queue Design

Get to know the author

Kirill Tšernov

Kirill Tšernov Putting U in Queue at Qminder

Kirill Tšernov was the Content Manager at Qminder. He specializes in queue management and customer service innovation. Passionate about enhancing customer experiences, Kirill combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling to explore the future of queue management.

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