The Future is Here — New Qminder Feature

Kirill Tšernov

By Kirill Tšernov · 3 min read

Here at Qminder, we like to drop updates without warning, jack-in-the-box style. So instead of being the usual product of “you spoke and we listened”, this last update was a brew of our own concoction.

Despite us being huge advocates of greeters, we still experience significant resistance from companies who can’t, or won’t, employ greeters. The concerns are too many to list: budget, logistics, hiring the right candidate, etc.

It was apparent that if our clients were to make these changes, we needed to meet them halfway. And that’s precisely what we did.

Please welcome — Qminder Steve.

Steve is a professional greeter that comes prepackaged to all Qminder users. Steve is fully equipped to tackle any customer service task you want: from signing visitors up for a queue to shouting their name when it’s their turn.

Steve is what may, in time, help us do away with queue systems altogether.

Why is Steve Great for You?

Instead of singing empty praises, let’s formulate what exactly makes Steve not your typical greeter. We’ve combined three powerful capabilities into Steve to help you accomplish more.

  • Keep your queues organized by letting Steve take care of visitors.

  • Save time and money by replacing all other employees with Steve.

  • Provide entertainment by having Steve tell funny pre-made stories.

That’s to say nothing of numerous extra usabilities that you can rearrange and customize yourself. For example, operating in a rough area? Steve can act as a bouncer for no extra charge.

What’s more, Steve is 100% organic and eco-friendly.

The Future of Steve

Second opinions matter a lot when it comes to innovative tech. Once we’ve come up with Steve, we knew we needed to send out a couple of prototypes to our most trusted clients.

The feedback was almost unanimous: Steve rules! Just read some of the glowing reviews we’ve got:

“We finally found what our business always needed — a guy with a beard staring at our clients intently.”

- Anna, senior manager at Foods R Us

“Steve is a big [...] help.”

- Anonymous, HR agent at REDACTED, Inc.

“They were so impressed, they replaced Anna with me!”

- Steve, senior manager at Foods R Us

NB: The above image is for reference only and may not depict the finished product. Your Steve’s politeness and level of emotional involvement may vary.

As of now, Steve only comes in one color — white. As we further develop Steve, we hope to figure out how to ship him in different colors — perhaps even your own brand colors.

Feeling enchanted yet? We’ve barely scratched the surface of what a game-changer Qminder Steve is. Together with Steve, every client gets:

  • A weekly surplus of rations.

  • Two identical sets of clothing and spare shoes.

  • A comb, a toothbrush and a beard shampoo.

  • An e-cig for extra style points.

You can’t say “Steve” without saying “eve” — and truly, he feels like an early Christmas Eve present.

Get Started With Qminder Steve

Want to get in on the action? Get a live in-depth walkthrough of Steve on 1 April at 5pm BST.

We’re only days away from hitting the market with Steve. If you’re reading this right now, that means you can order a Steve of your own with a -10% discount (promo code: APRILFOOLS).

Stay tuned for more updates you didn't ask for, and happy April Fool’s Day!

Original images are courtesy of

Get to know the author

Kirill Tšernov

Kirill Tšernov Putting U in Queue at Qminder

Kirill Tšernov was the Content Manager at Qminder. He specializes in queue management and customer service innovation. Passionate about enhancing customer experiences, Kirill combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling to explore the future of queue management.

Read more articles by Kirill

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