Customer Service Blog

By Maris Pärnamets Maris Pärnamets·

35+ Best Waitlist App and Software

Find and compare the best waitlist app and software for enterprise and medium size businesses. 1. Qminder 2. Carbonara App 3. TablesReady 4. Waitwhile 5. Flexbooker 6. Pomelo Health

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Best Practices for Healthcare

Many hospitals are slowly realizing that customer service is a path to success. Question is, what are the best healthcare customer service practices?

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

4 Easy Ways to Modernize Patient Waiting Room Experience

Waiting is a part of hospital experience, but who said it can't be enjoyable? As medical equipment is being modernized, so should hospital waiting rooms.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How to Enhance Your Customer Waiting Room Experience: #QminderAsks

Nobody likes waiting, but perhaps there is a way to makes customer waiting experience pleasant? Find out in today's issue of #QminderAsks!

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

7 Powerful Customer Service Phrases to Use

This is a list of 7 powerful customer service phrases. Learn how to make a positive impact on customer experience with these simple words.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

4 Levels of Customer Loyalty: How to Keep Your Clients

This is a guide to customer loyalty. Find out the four stages of customer loyalty and learn the steps you need to take to improve customer satisfaction.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

7 Common Customer Service Phrases to Avoid

This is a list of 7 customer service phrases to avoid when talking to customers. Learn which customer service phrases you should never say.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Why You Should Listen to Your Customers (And Why You Shouldn’t)

This is an article on how listening to customers improves the experience and benefits your business. Learn why you both should, and shouldn't, listen to your customers.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

70 Customer Service Quotes to Keep You Inspired

This is a list of 70 inspirational and motivational quotes about customer service. Get inspired by these excellent customer service quotes, sayings and proverbs.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

7 Insanely Powerful Strategies to Manage Customer Wait Times

This is a beginner's guide to managing customer wait times. Learn these 7 useful service strategies to reduce waiting times for your customers.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Powerful Examples of Contactless Customer Experience during COVID-19 Pandemic

Ever since "COVID-19" entered our vocabulary, contactless customer experience became a must. Learn the best tips for touch-free service.

By Heidi Taperson-Lelumees Heidi Taperson-Lelumees·

10 Steps to Creating a Data-Driven Design Culture

A complete guide to adopting a data-driven design mindset. Collect data about customer's behavior and interactions with your product to inform your design.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How McDonald’s Self-Service Kiosks Changed the Customer Experience Game

McDonald's invested in self-service technology to achieve even greater profitability. Learn how to benefit your business with self-service kiosks.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

5 Reasons Why Your Customers Leave Your Business

39% of consumers will avoid your shop after one negative experience. Want to know what makes them leave your business? Here are 5 main reasons.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Consumer Behavior During and After Pandemic: 4 Trends to Watch

One of the casualties of the coronavirus pandemic was consumer behavior. It has changed in both major and subtle ways that businesses need to account with.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Optimizing Business Through Smart Queue Management Analytics

Queue management isn't really about waiting lines; it's about data. Data provided by queuing solutions can help you optimize your business.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Retail Strategies to Drive Growth in 2021 (And Beyond)

Retail strategies will change in 2021. What once worked in retail is no longer viable. Learn what your customers expect from you post-pandemic.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Personalized Customer Service: Making Customers Fall in Love With You

Customers seek a stronger, more personal connection with brands. Provide personalized customer service and experience to gain a competitive edge.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Problem With Wait Times at Government Offices

Public service has become synonymous with long waiting. That's why citizen satisfaction with government services is so low, but fixing it is not that hard.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Social Distancing After COVID-19: Learning From Pandemic

What happens to social distancing after pandemic? Customers are accustomed to increased safety and judge businesses based on whether they provide it.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Customer Service in a Post-Covid World

What is customer service going to look like after COVID-19? The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way businesses interact with customers.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Improve Customer Communication With SMS Text Messaging

R U GR8 @ TXT SPEAK? Maybe you should be, seeing how SMS is emerging as the best communication channel for customer satisfaction and retention.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

5 Scientific Explanations for How Wait Times Impact Customer Behavior

How checkout lines and wait times affect shoppers, as explained by peer-reviewed studies on queue models, service practices and consumer behavior.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Ultimate Retail Holiday Calendar [PDF]

Take care of sales opportunities with Qminder’s month-by-month retail holiday calendar — with a printable PDF version inside.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Future of CX: 14 Customer Experience Trends for 2020 (And Beyond)

Customer experience is predicted to overtake product and price in 2020. That's next year! Better start preparing for customer experience trends 2020!

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How to Create a Great In-Store Experience: #QminderAsks

What does QminderAsks have in store? Funny you should ask that, because we are talking about in-store experiences and how to make them great.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

A Quick Guide to Queue Management With Visit Planner

Offer remote sign-in and show best the best times for visiting. With Qminder's Visit Planner you can do just that!

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How to Successfully Merge Offline and Online

What's the difference between offline and online, and which one is better? Today we're joined by Larry Kim, who gives tips on merging offline and online.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Complete Guide to Queue Management Labels and Input Fields

Everything you wanted to know about how to use Qminder labels and input fields. Master the intuitive tools to better learn your customers.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How to Overcome the Biggest CX Challenges: #QminderAsks

Customer experience is not a sprint but a marathon, complete with hurdles. In today's #QminderAsks, we review CX challenges and how to overcome them.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

What Game of Thrones Can Teach You About Customer Service

Game of Thrones may be a fantasy series, but its lessons has real life applications. Learn customer service the right way, through the GoT quotes.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly: #QminderAsks

QminderAsks comes back just in time for the Earth Day. Learn the best green practices and make your business truly eco-friendly.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

5 Key Takeaways From the X4 Conference

The X4 experience management conference organized by Qualtrics gathers the world's leading experience experts under one roof. Here are 5 lessons from it.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Why You Should Use Customer Names: #QminderAsks

QminderAsks brings you the opinions from the world's best experts on a customer service topic. Our first episode: Why you should use customer names.

By Ester Brierley Ester Brierley·

Deliver Wow Customer Service: 5 Ways to Improve Waiting Experience

It's the experience economy, and your customers want you to "wow" them. Even waiting experience is greatly improved through wow customer service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

7 Japanese Words That Teach Great Customer Service

What do we know about Japan? Anime, sushi, samurai, Kurosawa, and... customer service! Learn these 7 Japanese words to master their customer service craft.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Dear Customer Service People: A Love Letter From Qminder

It's Valentine's Day! As lovers around the world exchange gifts and love letters, we sing serenades to people who most deserve it — customer service staff.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Helping Customers Help Themselves: The Benefits of Self-Service

Despite how popular self-service is with customers, companies are hesitant about implementing it. If only they knew the many benefits of self-service...

By Jomel Alos Jomel Alos·

Millennials vs Gen Z: How Their Customer Care Preferences Compare

Does generational gap exist when it comes to customer and marketing? Let's see how the purchasing preferences of Millennials and Generation Z compare.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

It's a Christmas Miracle: Improving Santa Queues

Santa Claus can fly over the entire world in a single night, but can he handle queues? Find out how to improve the queue experience for mall Santa visitors.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Periodic Table of Customer Service Elements

Customer relationship, like all relationships, is built on chemistry. In today's class, we are looking at the periodic table of customer service elements.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Nurturing Workplace Happiness in Customer Service [Part 2]

What can a manager do to help employees achieve workplace happiness? Find out in the second part of our guide to employee satisfaction.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Building Workplace Happiness in Customer Service [Part 1]

How does workplace happiness affect employees working in customer service? We are joined by a workplace happiness advocate to answer this question.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Prepare Your Store for Halloween

Halloween is coming! As you prepare to have good time with your friends, you also need to prepare your store, offline and online, for spooky season.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Optimize Patient Flow in Healthcare

Patient flow, though a small part of healthcare, is the biggest factor affecting patient satisfaction. Hospitals need to start optimizing their flow ASAP.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Customer Experience Is the New Marketing

Is customer experience the new marketing? Spoiler: It is. The question is, how to properly harness all the benefits from investing in customer experience.

By Scott Matthews Scott Matthews·

Stress Management Tips for Customer Service Pros

Stress always goes hand in hand with customer service. To help you keep a cool head when talking to customers, follow these stress management tips.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Survey Results: Stories From Customer Service People

You spoke, and we listened! The results of our very first customer service survey are in. Want to find out all the secrets of CS experts? Take a peek.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How Nike Can Help Brick-and-Mortar Survive the E-commerce Wave

Nike's famous slogan is the kind of advice that can be applied to almost any situation. Even when improving the customer service, you've got to Just Do It!

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Retail Customer Service Tips, As Told by Customers

What does a customer seek in customer service? What are some tips that any customer could give a retail business so that it would improve its service?

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Customer Service Is a Mindset, Not a Department

Is customer service the responsibility of just one department, or is it a form of a mindset that you need to adopt? Spoiler: it's the latter.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

4 Essential Lessons For Retail Sector From This Non-Profit Organization

Solely providing great service is not enough anymore. Clients are looking for extra value when shopping with retailers and StreetCred happens to have some essential lessons for providing this value.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Disney's Customer Experience Excellence

Disney produces not only enjoyable animated features but also delightful visitor experiences. How do they manage to still do this, year after year?

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

007 James Bond Skills of a Great Customer Service Agent

Who didn't dream of becoming a super agent like James Bond? While secret service is not for everyone, its lessons can be applied to customer service.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

7 Easy Tips to Make Customers Fall in Love With Waiting Rooms

What makes for a good waiting room? Should it consist of a chair and a clock on the wall, or are there more aspects to delighting your waiting customers?

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Customer Service – To Automate, or Not to Automate, That Is the Question

Automated customer service offers a lot of perks, but is it really the best choice? Find out the downs and ups of both automated and non-automated service.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Mastering Customer Loyalty in the Digital Era

77% of consumers withdraw their loyalty at a quicker rate than 3 years ago. If you don't want this to happen to you, you need to embrace customer loyalty.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Winning Over Angry Customers With Customer Service

As Master Yoda taught, "Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering". Customer anger is the clearest sign that something is wrong with your service.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Customer Satisfaction – Make Your Customer Addicted to Your Business

Of all the songs your customer could be singing, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" shouldn't be one of them — customer satisfaction is key to customer success.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Creating a Customer Empathy Map

Understanding your customers is a long, exhausting journey. And just like any other journey, you can't take this one without a map — a customer empathy map.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

8 Customer Service Lessons You Need to Learn

There's no shortcut to implementing great customer service, but there are shortcuts to learning about. Take a look at 8 important customer service lessons.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Art of Comparing Business Locations

Is comparing business locations like comparing apples to oranges? There's a point to looking closely at your locations, to see what's been working and why.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

Personalized Customer Experience in Retail

Nobody enjoys cold, impersonal customer service. In the age of individuality and diversity, personalization is a key aspect of good customer experience.

By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze·

How Technology Enhances Employee Experience

You can't level up your customer service without experience — employee experience, that is. Thankfully, technology can help you enhance their satisfaction.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Self-Service as the Future of Customer Service

If you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself — that's the idea behind self-service, an increasingly important part of customer service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

5 Customer Experience Mistakes to Avoid

Understanding what your customer want is not only about what to do, but also what not to do. Here are top 5 customer experience mistakes you ought to avoid.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

What is the Customer Experience Pyramid?

93% of customer experience initiatives are bound to fail. To help you understand why this happens, take a look at the customer experience pyramid.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Customer Service Lessons From the Airline Industry

If you want to improve customer experience, you look everywhere for inspiration. Even airlines can teach you a thing or two about customer service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

4 Knows of Tailored Customer Service

A service tailored to your customers: sounds great, but there are things to know if you want to provide it. In fact, here are 4 knows of personal service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

8 Powerful Ways to Empower Your Employees

Power to the people! Want your business to grow and flourish? Then invest in employee empowerment. After all, you and your employees are one team.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Win Back the Hearts of Customers

Is there a rewind button when it comes to customer service? Can you really win back your lost customers? You might, if you follow these guidelines.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Customer Service Strategy, as Taught by Star Wars

Star Wars and customer service. Could these two things be farther from each other? Turns out, there are many good customer service advices in these movies.

By Lucy Benton Lucy Benton·

How to Ask Questions to Get Customer Feedback

Getting customer feedback is not only about questions, but asking the right questions at the right time. Want valuable feedback? Follow these guidelines.

By Eva Wislow Eva Wislow·

7 Customer Retention Strategies That Really Work

Getting customers is one thing, but how do you retain them? Customer retention is no easy task, unless you try these 7 tested and proven strategies.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Use Location Data for Better Customer Experience

To improve your customer service, you should take full advantage of location data. Analyze what your location are doing right and replicate the effect.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

9 Healthy Habits of Customer Service Agents

Customer service is something you can always get better at. As long as you stick to these healthy habits of customer service, you should enjoy success.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Do You Really Provide Great Customer Service?

You probably think you already provide great customer service, but how can you tell? There are several signs you're on the right track with your service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

4 Simple Strategies to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction is just a matter of choosing the right strategy. For those just starting out with customer experience, here's a quick guide.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

5 Questions to Ask Your Customers

Any great development starts with the right question. And what better way to ask this question than during a customer survey?

By Gloria Kopp Gloria Kopp·

7 Ways to Make Customers Happy With Your Writing Skills

Is writing important to customer service? If you don't want to scare potential customers away, you need to learn this 7 valuable writing skills.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Train Your Employees in Customer Service

"Customer service is important" is not something that needs to be explained. What needs to be done, however, is training your employees in customer service.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Benefits of Service Intelligence for Your Business

It's all about data nowadays. Even when improving customer service, you should be constantly checking data — which you can, thanks to Service Intelligence.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

37 Stats You Didn't Know About Customer Service

Ever wanted to tell someone about the importance of customer service but didn't know how? Our handy guide with 37 quick stats about CX has got you covered!

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

The Power of Using Customer Names

What's in a name? If it comes to your customers and your business, then a lot. There is a science to using your customers' names for that personal touch.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How Analytics Improves Customer Experience

Once you get customer data, what do you do with it? Can it really help you improve customer experience and bring your customer service to a new high?

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

3 Things to Keep in Mind When Building a CX Strategy

If you don't want your customer experience efforts to go in vain, you need to build a solid CX strategy. Here are 3 things you should keep in mind!

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Improving Business With Service Intelligence

As important as customer service is, can you measure it? Is there a way to analyze your service efforts? Actually, there is — and it's Service Intelligence.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

4 Reasons Your Customer Service Strategy Isn't Working

Have your customer service efforts been tanking lately? Identify one of 4 reasons why your customer service strategy isn't working anymore.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Which Superhero Are You? A Customer Service Personality Test

Ever wanted to be a superhero? Maybe you are one already — a customer service superhero, that is. Tune in to our channel to find out your secret persona.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Make Your Customer Service Unbearable, In 4 Easy Steps

There are so many guides on how to achieve success, but not a single one on how to properly frustrate your customers. Don't worry, we've got your covered!

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

Customer Satisfaction Metrics You Need to Be Tracking

How to effectively measure customer satisfaction? Kick your business strategy into high gear with customer satisfaction metrics, and drive consistent growth.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

What It Means to Be Customer-Centric

What does it truly look like when you put your customer first? What customer wants and what you want is not mutually exclusive when you're customer-centric.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Use Footfall Analytics to Improve Customer Service

Footfall analytics is a cornerstone of any successful business. How else can you improve your customer service unless you rely on hard numbers.

By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov·

How to Deliver Excellent Customer Experience

The importance of customer experience to business success is hard to ignore. To achieve the same level of CX as Tesla, you need to follow these key steps.

By Hyun Lee Hyun Lee·

A Hume Makes Online & Offline Shopping Seamless

Customer service values that historically allowed them to compete against countless competitors. Is your business set up to fight for another century?

By Rauno Rüngas Rauno Rüngas·

Why Do People Queue Before Boarding Flights

Why do people queue up before boarding flights? Airlines can manage waiting lines better for everyone.

By Hyun Lee Hyun Lee·

How to Survive As a Retailer Against Amazon

As a retailer, it's difficult to survive against Amazon. Let's see how we can beat Amazon at their own game.

By Hyun Lee Hyun Lee·

10 Hacks to Improve Retail Customer Service

10 hacks you didn’t know you need to improve retail customer service. Find out how to use a queue management system to improve CX.