retail calendar

2019 Retail Holiday Calendar

If you’re looking for a 2022 retail holiday calendar, we’ve got it as well.

For businesses around the world, any holiday is like a big present, ready to be unwrapped. Holidays are a time when customers are a-buzzing, bustling and hustling for gifts, cards and novelty items

The thing is, while most holidays have a specific date, some have a more flexible schedule — like Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

This makes keeping in mind all these precious marketing opportunities that more difficult. To help you keep an eye out for these elusive holidays, we’ve created Retail Holiday Calendar 2019.

retail calendar 2019

Click here to download the .pdf version of the calendar.

Feel free to jump to any month to see what holidays await you, and start planning your marketing strategy ahead.

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retail calendar january holidays

Ski season

We start with January, and this makes for quite a modest beginning — just two major holidays! (In the United States, anyway.)

Though the gift-wrapping season is finally over, now everyone got the memo. Look out for those sneaky shoppers!

1 January — New Year’s Day

21 January — Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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retail calendar february holidays

Winter break

Ah, February! The nature hasn’t woken up properly yet, and love is already in the air. Other than Valentine’s Day, the most important days are Groundhog Day, President’s Day, Chinese New Year and, for sports fans, Super Bowl Sunday.

2 February — Groundhog Day

3 February — Super Bowl Sunday

5 February — Chinese New Year

14 February — Valentine’s Day

18 February — President’s Day

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retail calendar march holidays

Spring cleanup

With March at the door, spring is finally here. It starts with the International Women’s Day and concludes with St. Patrick’s Day — an Irish-turned-international holiday. A perfect day for social gatherings.

8 March — International Women’s Day

17 March — St. Patrick’s Day

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retail calendar april holidays

Thinking of nature

April starts in a big way — with pranks, jests and good-natured jokes. But don’t forget Easter! Even non-religious customers enjoy celebrating this holiday in the circle of friends and loved ones.

1 April — April Fool’s Day

19 April — Good Friday

21 April — Easter Sunday

22 April — Earth Day

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retail calendar may holidays

Mothers, memorials, and May the Forth

May is the month of M’s: Memorial Day and Mother’s Day both fall on May. Hey, there’s also May the Forth — the semi-official day of Star Wars. This means that discounts, offers and special sales are in order.

4 May — Star Wars Day

5 May — Cinco de Mayo

12 May — Mother’s Day

27 May — Memorial Day

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retail calendar june holidays

Dads and grads

Oh look, it’s July already! Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? Just like May was all about moms (and Star Wars), June is all about dads. Socks, golf clubs, home depot tools are all a safe bet when it comes to gifts.

14 June — Flag Day

16 June — Father’s Day

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retail calendar july holidays

Summer break

Independence Day may be July’s only holiday of note, but what a holiday it is! Picnics, barbecue and, of course, fireworks — what’s not to like? Prepare the barrage of special deals, discounts, and promotions.

4 July — Independence Day

30 July — International Day of Friendship

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retail calendar august holidays

Last taste of summer

It’s August, summer’s last month. What else is there to do, other than count all the chickens as they come home to roost? Last Saturday, which marks the last fiscal week, is an ideal time to take up accounting.

12 August — International Youth Day

31 August — Last Saturday

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retail calendar september holidays

New season

September is the beginning of a new season. September’s only notable holiday, Labor Day, falls on the first Monday of September and is the unofficial start of the Fall. Hope you bought an umbrella!

2 September — Labor Day

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retail calendar october holidays

Trick or treat

A month of spooks and scares, October is the home of Halloween. Stock up on scary masks, costumes, haunted homes and creepy props, for there will surely be a great demand.

14 October — Columbus Day

16 October — Boss’s Day

31 October — Halloween

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retail calendar november holidays


Ever wanted to grow out a beard? Movember, is the best time of the year to try this. But be it a thin goatee or a full-on beard, be thankful for what you have: when November comes, the spirit of Thanksgiving is in the air.

11 November — Veteran’s Day

28 November — Thanksgiving

29 November — Black Friday

30 November — Small Business Saturday

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retail calendar december holidays

Holiday season

December — the mother of all holiday seasons — is here, god help us all. It’s a hectic month for sure, with Christmas, Cyber Monday and Hanukkah, but look at that! You can almost make out the finish line. End the year with a bang, by exceeding everyone’s, evern your own, expectations.

2 December — Cyber Monday

9 December — Green Monday

22-30 December — Hanukkah

21 December — Super Saturday

25 December — Christmas Day

26 December — Boxing Day

31 December — New Year’s Eve

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Any holidays we’ve missed? Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

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