Qminder Blog

queue workplace safety guidelines covid-19
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

COVID-19 Safety Guidelines: 7 Tips on Safe Queuing and Workplace Practices

COVID-19 has forced us to adopt remote working practices. What about queuing practices? Let's go over 7 tips to achieve customer and staff safety.

safety tips queuing quarantine
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

Tips on Safe Queue Management During Quarantine

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, here's how you can protect yourself and your visitors by adapting your queue management to the new circumstances.

self-service kiosk queue management
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

How Investing in Self-Service Kiosks Helps Queuing

Want to give your customers the proper queuing experience? Achieve customer excellence through queue management powered by self-service kiosks.

install google sheets integration
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

Qminder Introduces Improved Google Sheets Integration

Qminder's improved Google Sheets integration enhances customer data analytics, giving you tools for more accurate service decisions. See how to upgrade now.

queues in video games
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

What Retail Can Learn About Queuing From Video Games

Queues are everywhere around us: work, shops, even entertainment. Let's see what we can learn from how the video game industry handles queuing.

benefits of online queue management systems
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

9 Proven Benefits of Online Queue Management Systems

From reducing wait times to boosting revenues, there are a lot of benefits of using a queue management system. Here are 9 biggest benefits.

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