Qminder Blog

how to merge offline and online
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

How to Successfully Merge Offline and Online

What's the difference between offline and online, and which one is better? Today we're joined by Larry Kim, who gives tips on merging offline and online.

qminder labels input fields
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

The Complete Guide to Queue Management Labels and Input Fields

Everything you wanted to know about how to use Qminder labels and input fields. Master the intuitive tools to better learn your customers.

queue management pyramid
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

Building the Queue Management Pyramid, From the Top Down

What is the queue management pyramid and how is it connected to customer experience? Find out how you can up your game by implementing a queuing solution.

us passport waiting times
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

Berkeley Rec Sports: Managing Visitor Experience

Passport renewal is usually characterized by long waiting times. But does it have to be this way? Berkeley Rec Sports proves that there is a solution.

overcoming customer experience challenges
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

How to Overcome the Biggest CX Challenges: #QminderAsks

Customer experience is not a sprint but a marathon, complete with hurdles. In today's #QminderAsks, we review CX challenges and how to overcome them.

improve customer waiting experience
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

What Game of Thrones Can Teach You About Customer Service

Game of Thrones may be a fantasy series, but its lessons has real life applications. Learn customer service the right way, through the GoT quotes.

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