Qminder Blog

james bond customer service skills
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

007 James Bond Skills of a Great Customer Service Agent

Who didn't dream of becoming a super agent like James Bond? While secret service is not for everyone, its lessons can be applied to customer service.

waiting room improvements
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

7 Easy Tips to Make Customers Fall in Love With Waiting Rooms

What makes for a good waiting room? Should it consist of a chair and a clock on the wall, or are there more aspects to delighting your waiting customers?

travelwise expo visitor management
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Travelwise Visitor Management Solution

Travelwise found a way to not only efficiently manage their expo visitors but also provide incredible customer service experiences.

automated customer service
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

Customer Service – To Automate, or Not to Automate, That Is the Question

Automated customer service offers a lot of perks, but is it really the best choice? Find out the downs and ups of both automated and non-automated service.

retail success apple
By Kirill Tšernov Kirill Tšernov ·

The Key to Succeeding Like an Apple Store

You're only as good as your teacher, so who better to learn retail success from than Apple? It's not about product anymore, it's about customer experience.

customer journey mapping
By Giorgi Lobzhanidze Giorgi Lobzhanidze ·

What Customer Journey Mapping Is and How to Create it

A customer experience specialist needs to be somewhat of a cartographer. To truly help your customers, you need to create a customer journey map.

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