11 Queue Strategy Tips, Explained in Fewer Than 140 Characters

Kirill Tšernov

By Kirill Tšernov · 4 min read

how to solve queuing problem

Our increasingly digitized lifestyle and the gimme-gimme mindset that comes with it have taken their toll. People now lose focus after eight seconds — that’s one second fewer than the attention span of your average guppy!

Some find these stats questionable, but it’s hard not to experience the effects of receding attention span. Think back to all those article you’ve “read” or YouTube videos you skipped through.

In times like these, there are only two ways for a marketing fellow like myself: either switch to catering to goldfish (hey, nine seconds are still more than eight!), or make your content bite-sized and snackable.

Sadly, goldfish don't speak English, so here you go: 11 queue strategy tips, explained in fewer than 140 characters. Perfect for the modern Twitter generation.

Let’s dive in!

Before I forget! (Yes, that eight-second thingy applies to me, too) Here's a quick queue tip, free of charge: Take advantage of queue management technologies.

In fact, if you give Qminder's free 14-day trial a try, you might as well not read the rest of this article. (Please do, though.)

1. Focus on front end. Even in queuing, first impressions matter

Focus on front end. Even in queuing, first impressions matter.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Focus on front end. Even in queuing, first impressions matter. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

2. Create self-service opportunities: your customers can handle it

Create self-service opportunities: your customers can handle it.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Create self-service opportunities: your customers can handle it. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

3. Optimize your staffing according to visitor traffic

Optimize your staffing according to visitor traffic.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Optimize your staffing according to visitor traffic. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

4. Give customers something to do when waiting

Give customers something to do when waiting.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Give customers something to do when waiting. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

5. Make impulse purchasing easy for your customers

Make impulse purchasing easy for your customers.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Make impulse purchasing easy for your customers. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

6. Add digital signage, for better service status visibility

Add digital signage, for better service status visibility.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Add digital signage, for better service status visibility. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

7. Knowledge is power! Notify your customers about wait times

Knowledge is power! Notify your customers about wait times.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Knowledge is power! Notify your customers about wait times. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

8. Monitor and analyze the visitor traffic. These numbers will come in handy

Monitor and analyze the visitor traffic. These numbers will come in handy.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Monitor and analyze the visitor traffic. These numbers will come in handy. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

9. For faster service, implement single-line queues

For faster service, implement single-line queues.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=For faster service, implement single-line queues. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

10. Queuing is part of service. Get your customers started right away

Queuing is part of service. Get your customers started right away.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Queuing is part of service. Get your customers started right away. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

11. Keep your customers free to roam about your store

Keep your customers free to roam about your store.

[Tweet this!](http://twitter.com/home/?status=Keep your customers free to roam about your store. https://bit.ly/2GpPH52 via @Qminder)

Phew! That wasn’t so hard, was it? With these 11 handy queue strategy tips, you'll be on top of your game any day of the week.

Get to know the author

Kirill Tšernov

Kirill Tšernov Putting U in Queue at Qminder

Kirill Tšernov was the Content Manager at Qminder. He specializes in queue management and customer service innovation. Passionate about enhancing customer experiences, Kirill combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling to explore the future of queue management.

Read more articles by Kirill

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