Qminder Queue Management System

Where do people wait in South Korea?

Qminder App offers remote queuing from smartphones. It is a convenient way to get a ticket up-front and from a distance or obtain the freedom to be mobile and not be forced to stand in the waiting-room for your number to be called out.

This location-based mobile feature has made quite a few people draw a parallel with “checking-in” with Foursquare.

Foursquare is a location-based social network which has more than 25 million users, 3 billion check-ins, with 6.2 million added daily.
Besides people sharing their whereabouts, they also share photos and tips about worthwhile locations and Foursquare makes wonderful recommendations based on that information.

Foursquare List waiting in Korea

(Did you know you can Sign-Up for Qminder with Foursquare and if you have claimed a venue we will pull venue information automatically)

We at Qminder are all familiar with Foursquare. Some of us use it daily to check in, others just to Explore new locations. And it is not just for personal use either – more than one million businesses are using their Merchant Platform.

Over the weekend at the time of writing this article, they held a #4sqhackathon, a weekend hackers’ event, which in essence is similar to Garage48, where Qminder got started. We didn’t make it to NYC or SF for the official event on that occasion, but that didn’t stop us from taking part.

The problem of waiting lines is clear from their platform as well. Warnings about waiting lines, lengths of queues, and some of the most frequent “tips” and comments left about locations. The #HateOfWait is a powerful thing!

Voting List queue

So to give power to the people, to make your cries heard, we are a trying a new feature in Qminder App where you can vote for place that should use Qminder. This gives us the information where you want to see Qminder, and it’s a clear sign for the businesses how unhappy their customers are about waiting lines.

We have already data coming in around the world. We haven’t been to South Korea, but we know where their waiting lines are.

South Korea waiting lines

We all mind waiting!


Queue management during holidays is manageable


Easy Qminder Set Up with Bouncepad